Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Paket Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri

Paket Kursus Accuracy English Course - Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri
Bagi anda yang memiliki niat untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris di Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri Jawa Timur maka kami menawarkan program belajar Bahasa Inggris, simak dibawah ini yaa...

Accuracy English Course Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri

Don't Let All Your Dreams Added Up to Zero.

=> The Accuracy  !!!
=> Start from Zero to Hero !!!

The Accuracy english produces student to  speak english accurately, not only fastly.

Accuracy Target:
1. Student can speak english accurately
2. Student understand grammatical easily.
3. Student can communicate with other student kindly.

Accuracy Schedule:
1. 05:30-06:00 : morning expression
2. 07:00-08:30 : pronunciation
3. 09:00-10:30 : grammar
4. 15:00-16:30 : speaking
5. 19:00-20:00 : evening class.

Accuracy Facilities:
2. Mineral water.
3. Safety dorm.
4. Cleaning dorm
5. English area
6. Tutor.

~ Goodluck for your english learning ~

Tarif Paket Kursus :
• Paket 1 Bulan : Rp. 750.000,-
• Paket 2 Pekan : Rp. 550.000,-
• Camp only 1 Bulan : Rp. 350.000,- (Plus 2 Program Camp).

Contact Person :
• 085655081188 (WA)
• 082141083388 (call/sms)
   => Mr. Gondrong

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